Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Mysterious Disappearance of Aiden S (As Told To His Brother)


This is going to be one of those books that is hard to categorize.  Is it realistic, magical realism, or just plain fantasy.  I wasn't even sure when I was almost done and for that reason I would probably go with magical realism.

Aiden disappeared for 6 days.  There was no trace.  His family and friends searched everywhere.  Then he reappeared in the attic with a strange story.  He said he had gone through the dresser into a land called Aveinieu but was sent back because the people there thought he might carry a disease.  But his story was unbelievable right and no one believed him.  So what does he do?  Continue to tell the story or make something up that people might believe?

This was pretty interesting and certainly gave some food for thought...

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