Saturday, October 2, 2021

Clues to the Universe

I've said it before and I'll say it can tell how into a book I am by how quickly I read it and whether I am working hard to get back at it.  Not gonna lie...I almost abandoned this after the first 50 pages because I just wasn't into it.  And abandoning a book?  I don't do that often... for the 8 years I was on MSBA we were required to read the whole thing if we wanted input and I got burned the one time I abandoned a book only to have it shortlisted and I had to read it anyway.  But I digress,

This is a story of Ro and Benji.  Ro lost her dad a year ago and she really wants to do something that would have made him proud - like building a rocket with a radio transmitter for the science fair.  Benji's best friend just moved away and he is kind of aimless.  What he really wants is to to find his dad who left years ago but Benji has discovered is the creator of his favorite comic book series.

When Benji and Ro meet they make a deal - Benji will help Ro with her rocket which will also help him in science and allow him to continue with art and Ro will help Benji find his father.  Can they both succeed in their pursuits and become better friends in the process.

It was a slow build but by the end it was a solid book about friendship, loss, moving on, finding purpose, etc.  I did end up liking it and was glad I didn't abandon it.

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